The virtues and benefits of seawater are infinite. It soothes the body and mind and improves personal psychophysical health.
Mineral salts, trace elements, phytoplankton and ions have many virtues, including remineralising, fortifying, anti-infectious, anti-fatigue, muscle-relaxing, detoxifying, relaxing, circulatory and anti-stress properties...At Les Cures Marines, we offer you this natural wealth.
At Les Cures Marines, we combine the benefits of active marine ingredients with sports sessions in a stunning setting... the beach. The 1,200-metre stretch combines leisure, tranquillity and history.
Heated to the 32°C pool: seawater promotes osmosis, allowing trace elements and mineral salts to penetrate the body and regenerate it. Aquatonic, aqua-bike, and more: many activities whose benefits will be enhanced by contact with seawater.